Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sabbath days and Summer

I had a realization a few days ago. People have been asking how the summer is going and as I formulated my answer I've come to realize that this is the FIRST time Jonathan and I have ever enjoy a true 'summer' since we've been married. As a teacher he'd been given time off during the summer months, but the odd summer job was essential in order to make ends meet. He's been in administration for 3 years now and with the pay increase, we didn't HAVE to have a summer job, but here's what I discovered: Last year we were in the midst of our move and he literally went from one admin job to his new one up here in Breck. With the 2 hour commute, no less! So, I was packing up the house last yea, he was back and forth working up here and tying up loose ends in the Springs. Oy. Not restful. In fact, TOTALLY stressful. Two years ago I had a cardiac arrest and that provided a bit of a damper on the summer vacation. That is the understatement of the year people! ;) So this year. What is happening? Rest. Sabbath. I think I'm finally understanding what the 'big deal' about Sabbath is now that we have entered it. Not just a day of Sabbath, but an extended Sabbath. Sabbath = "to cease or disist," "to stop," "to take a break," "to celebrate." Or another Hebrew word for the same - Menuchah, which means "abode, a settled home, a place to be." I love this and feel like I'm starting on a journey of understanding what it is. At the moment, I'm simply enjoying it. Taking it in. Jonathan and I can't get enough of the smells that Breckenridge provides. The smell of aspen leaves after a mountain rain. The smell of the woods across our street. The view of the clouds over the mountains. The rays of sun throughout the day as they cascade on the landscape around us. The wildflowers all around. It's healing. The energy of the mountains really does heal. It's one of God's most amazing sites I think. It is utterly entertaining for us to sit on our rocking chairs on our deck and ... that's it! Sit there and talk. Drink tea. Laugh. Have silence. The unstructured rhythm of these days is healing us too. Waking up ... whenever! Oh the bliss. Unscheduled time together. It is so utterly wonderful. I am enjoying friendship with my husband in new ways. Delighting in watching him work in our yard on these projects he's had in his heart for years. Now we have a home we can do them in! What joy. I love watching him tinker on his bike for hours - painting it, putting it back together. I also love playing a board game or watching fun TV shows and movies. It feels like a vacation IN our home; IN our town. Now, I know this is a special season. And I am taking it in and savoring it. Two more weeks. And really, I don't feel a count-down until it's over. I am enjoying the moment today offers. Having this is teaching me how important it is. Everyone needs this. Space. An extended time to breathe, imagine, and maybe just sleep. Recover. I'm just grateful is happening. So grateful.


  1. I'm grateful that you are enjoying a rest too!!! What a gift;) I wish we were there to enjoy it with you!!!! Love you!

  2. love this, sarah! sabbath rest truly is everything you say. now that our family visitors have come and gone, we are enjoying rest as well.

    beautiful! : ) such a sacred time.

